Thematic Incubation Centres
Thematic Incubation Centres
Establishing an incubator at the university level to mentor and encourage future entrepreneurs, who can translate these targets into meaningful actions on ground, is an important factor to actively create opportunities for private sector in disaster risk reduction.The idea of thematic incubators is rather new. The themes can vary from disaster risk reduction, safety, sustainable development, women entrepreneurship, conflict and peace, heritage risk management, citizen science etc.The incubator centre mentors and trains the young entrepreneurs to bring in innovation into the field of disaster management and climate change through new products, services and integrate research into this process. This entailsdeveloping start-ups with business development and marketing strategies, visibility of the product, linking and scaling opportunities in the DRR domain.
- RIKA India has successfully established a Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Changethematic Incubation Centre at Mody University, Sikar, Rajasthan. This centre focuses on women leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction.
- Another Incubation Centre with focus on Science and Technology based solutions for environment, climate change and DRR is opened at VNIT, Nagpur, Maharashtra.
- RIKA India has also partnered with BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh for Disaster Risk Reduction themed Incubation Centre.
Establishment of University Network
RIKA is leading the initiative on establishment of a professional network of universities and institutes which offer a course on Disaster Risk Management. This professional association will promote common efforts towards sharing of disaster knowledge across the region in educational institutes. This project entails detailed study, mapping of university courses and strategy-building for the professional development of the nation-wide association. This initiative is supported by UNISDR and NIDM.
Mody University
RIKA India has successfully established a Disaster Risk Reduction focused Incubation Centre at Mody University. Establishing an incubator at the university level to mentor and encourage future entrepreneurs, who can translate these targets into meaningful actions on ground, is an important factor to actively create opportunities for private sector in disaster risk reduction.The idea of thematic incubators is rather new. The themes can vary from disaster risk reduction, safety, sustainable development, women entrepreneurship, conflict and peace, heritage risk management, citizen science etc.The incubator centre mentors and trains the young entrepreneurs to bring in innovation into the field of disaster management and climate change through new products, services and integrate research into this process. This entailsdeveloping start-ups with business development and marketing strategies, visibility of the product, linking and scaling opportunities in the DRR domain.The incubation centre at the Mody University is also supported by United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, National Disaster Management Authority, National Institute of Disaster Management and the ARISE India chapter of the global ARISE initiative.